Real Experiences with Tectoniks: What Our Clients Say

Steve Morris from Midland Chilled Foods

“It saved our business. If it wasn’t for these units, there wouldn’t still be a business.”

Mick Day from Integrated Packing Services

“We run your units at temperature control because the factory isn’t temperature controlled.”

Steve Bradshaw Managing Director at Southern Head Fishing

“I will be hiring the product again next year, I absolutely love the product.”
Southern Head Fishing

Den Dudley from DHP Family

“It just saves the cost of having to get bigger fridges.”
DHP Family

Lee Cunningham from Savona Foodservice

“With your inflatables, we can manage loading and unloading with just one person, while the containers require two.”
Savona Foodservice

Phil Bettney from Yorkshire Greens

“It’s saved me.”
Yorkshire Greens

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